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Frequently asked questions about creativity coaching

What is creativity coaching?

Creativity coaching is designed to support you in resolving the discrepancy between where you are and where you want to be with your creative life. You can also think of it as addressing and transforming the point of least satisfaction when it comes to your self-expression and art. The ultimate goal of our work together is for you to make peace with yourself and your creativity so you can express yourself the way you’re meant to.
As a life coach certified through The Ford Institute for Transformational Training, I apply life coaching principles to the creative life. These principles were created by author and spiritual teacher Debbie Ford, and based on Carl Jung's theories and methodologies.


What distinguishes life coaching from creativity coaching?

It’s my experience that life and creativity are completely interconnected, so applying life coaching principles to the creative life is a natural union. The method of coaching I practice is based on concepts of discovering and defining a vision you have for your creative life, setting goals and action steps, and receiving profound support as you work toward that creative vision. 


Though coaching is future-focused, sometimes we do need to go back in time and look around. At first, it may seem odd - and maybe even irrelevant - to be exploring events from your childhood, messages you’ve received around self-expression, or to be talking about forgiveness or acceptance. But trust me, it all relates. Depending on the depth of the work you do, you will have a better understanding of your patterns and choices, your lived experiences, and your emotions. Through this work, you will find and trust your own heart-based answers and begin transforming your relationship with yourself and your art, which will move you closer to the creative life you most want.


What can I expect from our work together?

When we work together you can expect that I will always see and hold you and your art at your highest. Be assured I will be ruthlessly compassionate, even as I'm asking difficult questions and working with you to move through your perceived limitations so you can achieve your creative goals. I will hold you accountable for following through on your commitments, support you breaking through barriers you identify, and guide you to your own inner truths. 


How is coaching delivered?

Coaching is delivered over the phone or online via audio versions of WhatsApp or Facebook. 

Why don’t you coach in person or via video chat apps?

Coaching via the phone or audio apps allows you to be comfortable in your own space, wherever that might be in the world. By removing visual input, it allows me, as your coach, to provide you with deep listening and focus. Anonymity may also offer you a greater sense of ease, openness, and authenticity that might not otherwise be available during our time together.


Are there measurable results from our work together?

Of course! But as with anything, you will get out of creativity coaching what you put into it. Each session, you'll set goals and action steps or define structures and practices to move you closer to your artistic vision. It's up to you how much you accomplish and how much you transform your creative life. My job is to hold you accountable and to support you in discovering what gets in the way of you achieving what you truly want for your creativity.


What is your cancellation or missed-appointment policy?

Life has a way of showing up when you least expect. If you have an unforeseen circumstance that prevents you from keeping your appointment time, 24-hour notice is requested. If more than two appointments need to be rescheduled over the course of our agreed-upon number of sessions, and there is less than 24-hour notice each time, please expect to pay a $75 no-show fee.


How long is each coaching session?

Plan to spend about 90 minutes for each coaching session. Some sessions may run slightly shorter or longer depending on what comes up for you session to session. 


How long do you generally work with clients?

You can receive as much coaching as you feel is necessary to create the change you're looking for. If you are an established client, you may find a single coaching session can offer profound insights and shifts in your creative life. But if you are new to coaching, the process is best undertaken with multiple consecutive sessions, generally scheduled one or two weeks apart, though the timing is completely up to you.


To get started, five sessions will help to begin building momentum toward fully living the creative life you long for. If you already know you want to work expansively and get the most out of the coaching process you can, consider signing on for ten sessions. Single sessions are for established clients (those who have received a minimum of five coaching sessions) who wish to revisit a coaching concept, go deeper into the process, receive extra support, or work through trouble spots.


What do you charge for coaching? 

•    10 sessions: $1,000 ($100 / session)
•    5 sessions: $600 ($120 / session)
•    Single session (for established clients only): $100 /session


How do I pay you for my sessions?

After signing the client agreement, please make payment via Venmo or PayPal (a 4% fee is assessed for payments made through PayPal). Checks are also welcome. Payment must be received 24 hours before each session together, and you can always pay for all of your sessions at once. 

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